Saturday, October 23, 2010

Lost and Found

Hitting the three week date, here is a list of my lost and found so far
One watch, a bracelet, and a brown hair tie to a 35 hour bus ride
One pair of sunglasses to a stream connecting with the Rio Mendoza
Some blood and a little bit of skin to the Andes Mountains
Between 2 and 5 pounds

That some mountains are not meant to be climbed, only stared at with awe and wonder
The ability of a book to keep its pages together is not as important as the words written within
A renewed sense of appreciation for all the people and places I left behind
That one shower with soap twice a week and replacing cologne with febreez can keep people from cringing when you stand next to them in the subway
People, especially children, are the same everwhere
The ability of mountians and waterfalls to capture the imagination makes absolutely no sense when they are broken down to their simplest parts
Speaking multiple languages is highly underated in the US
Movies that are bad in English can actually become more bearable when dubbed poorly in Spanish (see Jean Claude in Kickboxer)
I eat more than Keith, and most everyone else we´ve come into contact with
The Bad Romance music video makes a lot more sense after watching hours of 80´s hits on long bus rides
That leaving Oregon during October will make every other place seem a little less worth traveling to

Miss everyone, we leave Uspallata today for Bariloche, trading in what looks like the Himalayan steps for the lake district

1 comment:

  1. Rowdy, I"'m glad to hear that your trip is going well and the adventure has come in full swing. i hope you take as many wrong busses as i have, the unintended cities are always the best.
