Saturday, November 27, 2010

Bolivia (wow I forgot to blog for an entire coutnry)

So if any of you are reading this, then I hope you have also been looking at all of our pictures, in which case I do not need to tell you that in-between northern Chile and southern Bolivia, Keith and I went through some absolutely amazing country.  The salt flats are like nothing I have ever seen and I have never been happier to wake up and watch a sunrise (sorry Charlotte but since we could not actually see the sun on your birthday...)  Since a picture is worth a thousand words, and we have plenty of pictures up, then I will not waste any more telling you about how much I enjoyed that portion of the trip. Instead I would like to share about the different people we have met and some of the funny stories that go along with them. 
By far our most entertaining duo has been two Israeli guys who we ended up traveling with for about a week.  They were both in the army, one as a hand to hand combat instructor and the other as some kind of officer, which greatly aided in helping Keith and I feel very safe when locals would yell what sounded like insults but could have been cheers of praise (again see the blog title) out of their speeding cars at us while we walked down the streets.  However, our two friends were by far the most helpful people I have ever met when it comes to bussing in Bolivia.  Allow me to explain.  The music hear is literally hell for my ears.  If I could go back in time and somehow wipe every single note from human history, I would gladly do so no matter what the requirements (ok not really but for the sake of dramatics let the last part pass).  It is so bad that when the bus driver turns on the radio, Keith and I tend to look to see if there is any way to unplug the speaker thereby returning my ears to a state of peace.  The Israelis however, will stand in there seats and gesticulate wildly while also mixing together English, Spanish and Hebrew until the bus driver relieves us from what can only be described as vocal carnage which I am sure would cause my brain to hemorrage if I were subjected to it regularly. I mean it is so bad that doctors could throw out chemothereapy and radiation and instead subject cancer cells to this music and we would have a cure.  Forget UAVs, just send a blimp with a couple subs and some heavy ampage over to Pakistan and Afghanistan, blast the music, and I guarantee the terroists will beg for us to reopen guantanamo and throw them in there if only to make the music stop.  South Park had it right, the only way to stop something as powerful as a giant pirate guinea pig would be to hire a peruvian flute band to play them into submission.  Suffice it to say, we really liked having the Israelis travel with us.  They would also make bets, the wage being whoever was right got to punch the other guy in the face, they were awesome.
We also found that tall german girls are funny to watch in areas crowded with Bolivians, when some german guys speak English they sound like a middle school kid who is impersonating a retarted person (i know that is not the most PC thing to say, but I told a german guy (Buddy) that and he laughed although he did look a little incredulous), and I know at least one Itialian guy who can talk without being responded to for longer than anyone I have ever seen, and that is impressive considering some of the people we know...

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